Sunday 15 March 2015

Radionics & Emotional Balance

Radionics & Emotional Balance

Radionics and its application in emotional balancing.

Emotions are, in the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, represented by the Water element. In Ayurveda, the three elements are used to basically cover the constitutional parts that make up a living system. These parts are Air, Fire & Water. Everybody will be governed by one or more of these elements in their own body. Each element is also conditional, this means that it can be changed. There are many factors in ones life that can affect these three elements and thus knocking them out of balance. In radionics, a radionic practitioner can measure the level of emotional imbalance present in the body. This is normally done by percentage away from balance, such as 28% imbalance. As well as radionic healing, a radionic practitioner with a knowledge of other therapies can also offer guidance to diet and lifestyle that may also play a factor in restoring balance to the emotions as well as overall health.

Listed below is a basic introduction to the elements and there effects on the body:

Air: Characteristics: Dry, Ageing, Artistic, Vocal, Orator. Body Type: Thin and Tall - Small Framed, (Dominant Season - Autumn, Normally associated with older age)

Fire: Characteristics: Hot and Oily, Aggressive, Business, Lawyer, Athlete. Body Type: Muscular - Medium Framed ((Dominant Season - Summer, Normally associated with middle age)

Water: Characteristics: Wet & Oily, Mother, Caring, Gentle, Stubborn, Hoarder. Body Type: Overweight - Large Framed ((Dominant Season - Winter/Spring, Normally associated with early age)

You may recognise one or more of the above qualities in yourself listed under the different elements. This would probably suggest that your are a combination of one or more of these elements, this is normal. In most cases one or more of these elements will probably dominate above the others. You can find out more by doing an on-line Ayurveda questionnaire that can help you to determine what your elements are and how they affect you throughout the year. 

For this post, however, I'm going to focus on the Water element as this the element most represented by emotion. By emotion I'm referring here to negative emotion.

Many people can be affected by their emotions from various life experiences. These could range from something as simple as being neglected as a child, failing in something, not living up to someone else's expectations, sexual abuse, or even physical or emotional abuse. There can be an almost infinite number of causes. The Water Body Types are the most likely, due to their sensitivity, to be the most affected by such experiences. This can normally leave them with unresolved emotional patterns throughout their lives. This can cause them to live a half life and shying away from situations that the rest of us take for granted. A good example of the Water elemental animal is the Elephant. These endearing creatures never forget a slight and yet they can be very maternal and protective of their young, all typical of the Water element qualities.

A painful emotional experience can begin even in our mothers womb before birth. This can be due to the emotion that the mother may have felt during her months of pregnancy and this can be transferred to the child. All emotional experiences are basically vibrational patterns held or layered in the energetic body of the person. A surgeon would never be able to find these emotions if he/she were to look inside the body. This is because emotions are not physical, but energetic in nature.
Emotions can accumulate from birth to the present day. Think of a snowball coming down a hill, its starts off small and gradually it layers itself by gathering more snow until its is so big that it can no longer move. Its the same with emotion, layer upon layer of vibrational energy patterns of past events that eventually prevent a person from moving on with life.

In psychology, a psychologist/or related therapist will place emphasis on the actual 'events' that trigger emotional patterns that are causing a person difficulties. In radionics, the actual 'events' are not very relevant but maybe useful in gaining an insight to the time/depth of the emotion one is dealing with. In my experience, some clients prefer not to remember or even want to speak of these painful experiences. 

In radionics, it is not always necessary to go into the past. The Past is always Present in the 'Now' as an energy vibrational pattern.

Example: a couple of years ago my mother passed away. This obviously had an emotional impact on me at the time, which could be clearly felt. My emotional imbalance at the time after her passing was showing 36% imbalance. By using radionics I brought this down considerably back to a normal level within 3 days.

This was a relatively new emotional experience for me and so the treatment time to restore balance was relatively quick. When dealing with longer standing emotional patterns, it will take more time to heal as the radionic practitioner needs to works through any accumulated layers..

As an example I like to refer to emotions like a wave pattern on an oscilloscope. A gentle sine wave being indicative of a balanced emotional state with its gentle up and down pattern. Compare this to a saw tooth wave pattern which is more spiky with sharp peaks and troughs representing a more imbalanced emotional state.

The radionic approach to restoring emotional balance forms a large part of the healing solution, but other aspects often need to be addressed to. One of the biggest influences on the emotions is diet. To be more specific, a diet that best suits the balancing of the elements for the person. If there's too much of the Water element in some ones diet that can play havoc on emotions. Other areas are the liver and gallbladder which can be challenged with poor diet or even bile stones which can increase anxiety and upset emotions.

The feelings of love, either within yourself or being loved by another is another great healer. Often people who experience emotional imbalances on a daily basis often feel unloved within themselves and by those around them, even to the point of being picked on by others.

Lifestyle is another great way to help restore balance. If your in a relationship that's not supportive of your well-being or in a job or some other activity that clearly upsets you then a re-evaluation is something you should consider. Taking a look to see what positive changes you can make to your life is a move in the right direction. I'm not suggesting you run out on your job or relationship, this may only create more problems and upset the emotions even more. Instead it is useful to write down realistic changes you can make gradually over time.

Tarot card readings can also be very insightful and supportive at this time, although these are best done by another person to help give you a more objective view.

Blaming, is all too often the easy way out of not dealing with emotions, but it resolves nothing. Blaming is a sign of not taking responsibility for yourself and instead putting it onto others. If you suspect you may have fallen into this blaming pattern because of how you feel, then the best policy is don't take any action. Its likely to be emotional imbalance acting and not emotional balance. Let it settle, give it a few days, look at the situation again. Spending time in nature or being around animals can be very nourishing and relaxing.

In my practice as a radionic practitioner i find using several of the above approaches in healing emotions leads to longer lasting results. Educating a client on the causes of emotional imbalances is as helpful as any treatment.

How long does it take to heal emotions 

Its a good point to remember that emotions will continue to go out of balance by varying degrees throughout your life. It's not about being emotionless, that would only lead to a lack of empathy. It's about maintaining balance throughout your life which will help you deal with life challenges.
A new or recently acquired emotional state, such as a death or end of a relationship can heal very quickly using radionics or longer by itself. Deep seated or life long emotional traumas that can be multi-layered and will of course need more time to heal. These types of emotional states can take weeks or many months to see results.
I offer ongoing support throughout the healing process, I like to see the client as a friend. By staying in touch with someone who understands what you are dealing with is very comforting and therapeutic by itself. This support is there if you need it throughout the course of your treatment. 

A good analogy of emotion and the process of healing is quite similar to a the glass of water and pebble scenario.
The 'glass' represents the body of the person and the 'water' represents the emotion. If the glass is full and you drop a pebble (a radionic treatment) into the glass, a little water will overflow, (an experiencing of old emotion maybe noticed as it is displaced), this is demonstrable by emotional release in some form such as weeping etc.
The first pebble dissolves and there's a slight drop in the water level of the glass. Later, another larger pebble is dropped into the glass and a similar situation occurs. This process continues until the water in the glass is about halfway, representing a more balanced emotional state.

If you would like to contact me regarding anything mentioned in this article please do so. If you would like a radionic treatment for emotional healing or have any questions you would like to ask please contact me.

All correspondence is strictly confidential.
