Thursday 4 April 2013

Vitamin & Mineral Analysis

Vitamin and Mineral Analysis

Radionic Vitamin & Mineral Analysis


Radionics offers a subtle energy approach to reading the body via a hair sample analysis or witness. This service offers a very detailed radionic analysis of the body's levels of vitamins & minerals.  It can show if there are any deficiencies or even over supplementation.


Below is a list of the following levels that will be checked in the test:


Vitamin & Mineral Analysis Levels


All 33 vitamins, 7 major minerals, 11 minor trace minerals, acid/alkaline levels, body type constitutional/conditional elements (air, fire, water), hormones levels, ideal constitutional dietary levels: (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), omegas 3,6,9 and immune system levels.


All of the above levels are checked and are given as a percentage of your body's ideal levels which are unique to you. Every body has its own needs depending on age, lifestyle and other factors. For example, a sports athlete will put more demands on their body than someone who lives a more sedentary lifestyle, and as such their body will demand more of certain nutrients in order to stay healthy. 


This service is ideal for anyone interested in maintaining optimum health by observing the under or over use of supplements. Over supplementation is very common and many supplements are excreted due to not being needed or not being utilised by the body. Money can be wasted by the over consumption of supplements or by the use of poor quality ones.


Not All Supplements Are Equal


When good quality natural supplements are used they are easily assimilated and recognised by the body. Poor quality supplements, on the other hand, are rarely recognised and many of them can pass right through, like a train in the night, and be excreted with very little assimilation. Using supplements that are poorly assimilated will mean that you will need to BUY MORE of them to get the same effect as a good quality one that cost more. So, in the long run, you pay more for the cheap ones! When choosing any supplements, read the label for 'modified' ingredients, the shell of a supplement could be 'modified' as well as the ingredients. Be aware of any fillers such as 'magnesium stearate' as this has been rumoured to destroy killer T cells. I found this recently in a supplement which was designed for boosting immunity!


My Own Experience


Since monitoring my own Vitamin & Mineral levels, normally 1-2 times per year, I have eliminated supplements that were not serving me and reduced others by as much half to two thirds. My own body analysis showed that some of the supplements I had been taking contained substances that my body rejected. This wasn't apparent until each supplement was checked in turn on the instruments. I had a lot of supplements on my desk prior to the checks and now there are only three of them, about a 65% reduction and a good saving:) The biggest joy of all was the removal of the undesirable/suspect supplements. I didn't know at the time why some of these supplements had been rejected and it wasn't apparent until later, when I had more time to look at them in turn, which showed to be an eye opener.


This Vitamin & Mineral service does not require any postage. Full instructions will be given upon receipt of payment on how to take a hair sample and where to send it to. The full analysis results will be sent by email upon completion which normally takes 1-2 days. Any advice will be provided along with the results.



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