Friday 26 April 2013

Chemical Toxicity Analysis

Chemical Toxicity Analysis


Our body's are exposed to a myriad of chemicals on a daily basis. 



They say that the most polluted environment is within the home. Well, considering that many of the items we buy contain chemicals and many of these chemicals can accumulate in the body reaching toxic levels, it's not too far from the truth that the home environment can be detrimental to our health. 



Depending on our exposure level to these chemicals, many of them on their own can seem harmless enough, but when some of these chemicals combine with other chemicals in our bodies, a chain reaction can be set off. This type of chemical chain reaction could cause anything from a mild to a serious health problem, which can be difficult to trace. 



Some chemicals, depending on the individual, can cause allergic reactions or sensitivity. Many of the chemicals on their own may also be affecting an individuals health in different ways such as poor brain function, lowered immunity, infertility and so on.

By knowing the chemical levels in your own body it can assist you to monitor your exposure levels and make changes. This can help you make more conscious choices about the type of products you use on your body or around the home. There are always simpler and safer alternatives to many of the chemicals we normally use and there are some good books available on the subject if you want to switch to healthier options. 



Analysis Service


By using radionic subtle energy technology, via a small hair sample, I am able to offer a chemical toxicity analysis. This service will check for the levels of many of the most common chemicals we are exposed to in our environment. This includes many cosmetic, household and other common chemicals normally found within the body. The analysis covers over 70 different common chemicals. Each chemical analysis is given as a percentage of the level in the body.



This service will require you to post to me a small hair sample to do the analysis. Full instructions for taking the hair sample and where to post to will be given upon receipt of payment.




The results of the chemical analysis will be sent to you by email upon completion. Please provide me with an email address when making payment. 


The service will normally be completed with 10 days from receipt of payment.




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