Thursday 18 April 2013

Radioactive Fall-Out and Radioactive Isotopes Body Analysis

Radioactive Fall-Out and Radioactive Isotopes

The recent nuclear catastrophe in Japan has been a warning to humanity of the risks of using nuclear power. The global effect of this most recent incident will affect many of the earth's population for years to come. These radioactive elements are circulating around the globe as I write and as well as being inhaled they are falling onto crops lands and water supplies. 

However, there are measures that we can take to reduce and protect ourselves from this hazard. The most important step is top up our mineral levels. One of the most important minerals is Iodine. Iodine, taken in the form of Lugols Iodine, is a must. It is better to take Iodine in its pure form rather than absorb radioactive iodine from the atmosphere! 

Most people have very low iodine levels due to poor diets or by displacement of Iodine from the use of other chemicals such fluoride, barium etc. A good book on the subject of Iodine is 'Iodine and why you need it' by David Brownstein. 

If the air is polluted with radioactive Iodine and other radioactive elements then its logical that the body will top up its reserves when it can, especially if mineral reserves are already low. There is a good radioactive protocol written by Dr Gabriel Cousens who is one of the worlds leading natural health authorities. The link below will take you to his site where you can find links to the protocol.

My Own Personal Experience  

I had a personal experience with a radioactive isotope cobalt. I somehow managed to pick this mineral up near my home at a young age, about the age of 7-8 years. The isotope cobalt came from a local landfill site. The local company had been depositing 'ash' from its furnaces into the site. The site was open to all to just wander in and walk around. 
The cobalt had been in my body at low levels, about 2.7% but it was destructive in its effect on my health even at these levels. Fortunately, I discovered this and took swift action to displace the isotope cobalt and get it out of my system. It took a few weeks to get rid of it completely and I am glad to say I'm now clear of this menace which had been slowly working in the background unnoticed. 

Radioactive elements, if left untreated, can slowly erode and cause damage to your health not unlike a cancer or battery acid. It can do this slowly, almost unknown for many years until a symptom appears in later life, just like a cancer.

I offer a radionic analysis service to check the levels of 14 Radioactive Fall-Out and 20 Radioactive Isotopes elements. Included with the service is advice on the removal of any toxic radioactive elements. 

If you have been in or near Japan at the time of the accident then it would be advisable to be checked for any radioactive toxicity. However, anyone could be contaminated as the fallout is carried around in the atmosphere worldwide. In fact, even many household smoke alarms contain radioactive elements! Opt for a photo-electric smoke alarm.

This service does not require any postage. A small hair sample is needed for the analysis. Full details of how to take the hair sample and where to send it will be given upon receipt of payment. The analysis normally takes between 1-2 days.


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