Tuesday 2 April 2013

Chakras, Subtle Bodies and Your Health

The Chakras & Subtle Bodies 
& Your Health

In our modern society we are taught to wait for the train to arrive in the station before taking action.

So, what does this have to do with our Chakras/Subtle bodies (Etheric, Astral & Mental) and our health?

Let me explain. If we get a disease, infection or similar health problem, we wait until we are given a 'sign' or a 'symptom' before we know we have it. Occasionally, if we have some form of pre-screening, we may even see the early stages of a health problem before we notice any symptoms.

In other words, 'we wait until the train arrives in the station', the disease symptom, before we take action to remedy it.

You may also be aware that if someone has a particular disease the chances are that it maybe inherited and often this maybe the case. In cases like this I see these as preprogrammed energy patterns or undesirable memories.

The truth is, all diseases have their own vibrational energy pattern, like a file on your PC which has its own path name, and these can appear either in the Chakras or Subtle Bodies BEFORE appearing at the physical level. 

Chakra & Subtle Body Analysis uses radionics, via a small hair sample, to look for any imbalances in the Chakras and Subtle Bodies and to restore balance. 

We have 7 major Chakras. From the top of the head to base of the spine we have the Crown, Ajna, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and the Base Chakras. The Chakras can become imbalanced by many different factors in our modern world such as stress, emfs etc. 

Regular Chakra rebalancing is necessary, just like a car tune up, to keep us in good health. This can be done with the use of radionics, sound healing or other natural healing modalities. I have found radionics to be more precise and the results can be checked. 

The Subtle Bodies; The Etheric, Astral and Mental Bodies are basically our auric field. These can hold information about all aspects of our body, like a blueprint, and any undesirable energy patterns can show here prior to physical manifestation. 

With the use of radionics, the energy bodies can be checked for any undesirable energy patterns. These undesirable energy patterns can be erased from the memory within the field, similar to removing a file from your PC. 

The Chakra & Subtle Body Analysis Service


This test offers to check all of the major Chakras of the body with the following Chakras being checked: 

The Crown, Ajna, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base Chakras. 

Each Chakra has its own “energy body” both in the Astral and Mental realms. The energy bodies will also checked for any blockages that maybe directly affecting the Chakra in a negative way. 

Subtle Bodies

The Subtle energy bodies are checked for the presence of miasms, toxins, physical anomalies, lack of coordination, over stimulation or congestion in the Etheric, Astral and Mental bodies.

Any imbalances in these areas can have a direct effect on the physical body causing health problems. 

As a final addition to this service, the causation of any sources of imbalances are also checked. 

This service is for correcting the subtle energy imbalances as well as assisting those on their evolutionary journey in consciousness. 

The Chakras and Subtle Body service is a detailed analysis and rebalancing service. The cost for this service is £125 or 146 Euros.

There is no postage required for this service. 

Once payment has been received you will be contacted and given instructions on how to take a hair sample and where to send the sample. 

Buy Now

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