Sunday 15 March 2015

Radionics & Emotional Balance

Radionics & Emotional Balance

Radionics and its application in emotional balancing.

Emotions are, in the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, represented by the Water element. In Ayurveda, the three elements are used to basically cover the constitutional parts that make up a living system. These parts are Air, Fire & Water. Everybody will be governed by one or more of these elements in their own body. Each element is also conditional, this means that it can be changed. There are many factors in ones life that can affect these three elements and thus knocking them out of balance. In radionics, a radionic practitioner can measure the level of emotional imbalance present in the body. This is normally done by percentage away from balance, such as 28% imbalance. As well as radionic healing, a radionic practitioner with a knowledge of other therapies can also offer guidance to diet and lifestyle that may also play a factor in restoring balance to the emotions as well as overall health.

Listed below is a basic introduction to the elements and there effects on the body:

Air: Characteristics: Dry, Ageing, Artistic, Vocal, Orator. Body Type: Thin and Tall - Small Framed, (Dominant Season - Autumn, Normally associated with older age)

Fire: Characteristics: Hot and Oily, Aggressive, Business, Lawyer, Athlete. Body Type: Muscular - Medium Framed ((Dominant Season - Summer, Normally associated with middle age)

Water: Characteristics: Wet & Oily, Mother, Caring, Gentle, Stubborn, Hoarder. Body Type: Overweight - Large Framed ((Dominant Season - Winter/Spring, Normally associated with early age)

You may recognise one or more of the above qualities in yourself listed under the different elements. This would probably suggest that your are a combination of one or more of these elements, this is normal. In most cases one or more of these elements will probably dominate above the others. You can find out more by doing an on-line Ayurveda questionnaire that can help you to determine what your elements are and how they affect you throughout the year. 

For this post, however, I'm going to focus on the Water element as this the element most represented by emotion. By emotion I'm referring here to negative emotion.

Many people can be affected by their emotions from various life experiences. These could range from something as simple as being neglected as a child, failing in something, not living up to someone else's expectations, sexual abuse, or even physical or emotional abuse. There can be an almost infinite number of causes. The Water Body Types are the most likely, due to their sensitivity, to be the most affected by such experiences. This can normally leave them with unresolved emotional patterns throughout their lives. This can cause them to live a half life and shying away from situations that the rest of us take for granted. A good example of the Water elemental animal is the Elephant. These endearing creatures never forget a slight and yet they can be very maternal and protective of their young, all typical of the Water element qualities.

A painful emotional experience can begin even in our mothers womb before birth. This can be due to the emotion that the mother may have felt during her months of pregnancy and this can be transferred to the child. All emotional experiences are basically vibrational patterns held or layered in the energetic body of the person. A surgeon would never be able to find these emotions if he/she were to look inside the body. This is because emotions are not physical, but energetic in nature.
Emotions can accumulate from birth to the present day. Think of a snowball coming down a hill, its starts off small and gradually it layers itself by gathering more snow until its is so big that it can no longer move. Its the same with emotion, layer upon layer of vibrational energy patterns of past events that eventually prevent a person from moving on with life.

In psychology, a psychologist/or related therapist will place emphasis on the actual 'events' that trigger emotional patterns that are causing a person difficulties. In radionics, the actual 'events' are not very relevant but maybe useful in gaining an insight to the time/depth of the emotion one is dealing with. In my experience, some clients prefer not to remember or even want to speak of these painful experiences. 

In radionics, it is not always necessary to go into the past. The Past is always Present in the 'Now' as an energy vibrational pattern.

Example: a couple of years ago my mother passed away. This obviously had an emotional impact on me at the time, which could be clearly felt. My emotional imbalance at the time after her passing was showing 36% imbalance. By using radionics I brought this down considerably back to a normal level within 3 days.

This was a relatively new emotional experience for me and so the treatment time to restore balance was relatively quick. When dealing with longer standing emotional patterns, it will take more time to heal as the radionic practitioner needs to works through any accumulated layers..

As an example I like to refer to emotions like a wave pattern on an oscilloscope. A gentle sine wave being indicative of a balanced emotional state with its gentle up and down pattern. Compare this to a saw tooth wave pattern which is more spiky with sharp peaks and troughs representing a more imbalanced emotional state.

The radionic approach to restoring emotional balance forms a large part of the healing solution, but other aspects often need to be addressed to. One of the biggest influences on the emotions is diet. To be more specific, a diet that best suits the balancing of the elements for the person. If there's too much of the Water element in some ones diet that can play havoc on emotions. Other areas are the liver and gallbladder which can be challenged with poor diet or even bile stones which can increase anxiety and upset emotions.

The feelings of love, either within yourself or being loved by another is another great healer. Often people who experience emotional imbalances on a daily basis often feel unloved within themselves and by those around them, even to the point of being picked on by others.

Lifestyle is another great way to help restore balance. If your in a relationship that's not supportive of your well-being or in a job or some other activity that clearly upsets you then a re-evaluation is something you should consider. Taking a look to see what positive changes you can make to your life is a move in the right direction. I'm not suggesting you run out on your job or relationship, this may only create more problems and upset the emotions even more. Instead it is useful to write down realistic changes you can make gradually over time.

Tarot card readings can also be very insightful and supportive at this time, although these are best done by another person to help give you a more objective view.

Blaming, is all too often the easy way out of not dealing with emotions, but it resolves nothing. Blaming is a sign of not taking responsibility for yourself and instead putting it onto others. If you suspect you may have fallen into this blaming pattern because of how you feel, then the best policy is don't take any action. Its likely to be emotional imbalance acting and not emotional balance. Let it settle, give it a few days, look at the situation again. Spending time in nature or being around animals can be very nourishing and relaxing.

In my practice as a radionic practitioner i find using several of the above approaches in healing emotions leads to longer lasting results. Educating a client on the causes of emotional imbalances is as helpful as any treatment.

How long does it take to heal emotions 

Its a good point to remember that emotions will continue to go out of balance by varying degrees throughout your life. It's not about being emotionless, that would only lead to a lack of empathy. It's about maintaining balance throughout your life which will help you deal with life challenges.
A new or recently acquired emotional state, such as a death or end of a relationship can heal very quickly using radionics or longer by itself. Deep seated or life long emotional traumas that can be multi-layered and will of course need more time to heal. These types of emotional states can take weeks or many months to see results.
I offer ongoing support throughout the healing process, I like to see the client as a friend. By staying in touch with someone who understands what you are dealing with is very comforting and therapeutic by itself. This support is there if you need it throughout the course of your treatment. 

A good analogy of emotion and the process of healing is quite similar to a the glass of water and pebble scenario.
The 'glass' represents the body of the person and the 'water' represents the emotion. If the glass is full and you drop a pebble (a radionic treatment) into the glass, a little water will overflow, (an experiencing of old emotion maybe noticed as it is displaced), this is demonstrable by emotional release in some form such as weeping etc.
The first pebble dissolves and there's a slight drop in the water level of the glass. Later, another larger pebble is dropped into the glass and a similar situation occurs. This process continues until the water in the glass is about halfway, representing a more balanced emotional state.

If you would like to contact me regarding anything mentioned in this article please do so. If you would like a radionic treatment for emotional healing or have any questions you would like to ask please contact me.

All correspondence is strictly confidential.


About Me


Welcome to my site. I hope the information I've presented here will help you to understand and see the potential of what Quantum Healing can do. There's a lot of information I could possibly add but I'm not a big fan of 'information overload', so I prefer to keep things simple and to the point.

If your new to my site then please have a look around and familiarise yourself with my work, if you already have then please read on to learn a little more about me.

About Me

My name is Robert, I'm a single male living just outside Glasgow in Scotland. I've spent much of my young adult life being fascinated with health and spirituality, which still continues to fascinate me today, albeit at the now quantum level. I've spent most of my time learning about the different dietary systems worldwide and doing some personal experimenting with these. I've also studied various holistic therapies from Eastern to Western Herbalism, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Yin & Yang philosophy, Eastern and Western mysticism and Radionics.

At a very young age of 8 I had a fascination for dowsing when I watched my late Irish grandmother use dowsing rods to find water deep underground. She lived on a rural farm deep in the Irish countryside and there was no mains water supply in the area at the time. This meant that all the water for use by the farm had to be found by divining and then by drilling wells and using pumps to extract the water.
10 years later i got my first job as a greenkeeper at a local golf club. One day I was watching my boss trying to find a main drain on a fairway to connect a tributary drain to it. His approach was to dig holes in suspected areas, which was not only time consuming but unsightly! I came to his aid and offered to use my dowsing rods, which at the time were made of bent pieces of wire inside pen cases. He was sceptical but open minded enough to let me have a go. Within 15 minutes I not only found the main drain 4ft underground but I also acquired a new amazed convert who then used my skills for other jobs too!

I left greenkeeping many years later. I always had a fascination for the outdoors and wildlife. I currently enjoy bird watching and other wildlife, mountain biking, hill walking, kayaking, climbing and diving just to name a few. These interests later led me to being self employed selling outdoor equipment related to the above. This allowed me the time to further my studies into subtle energy healing and sacred geometry which I had a growing fascination for. At the same time that I was beginning to learn more about sound healing and it's effect on our health. I immersed myself in studying the effects of sound healing for quite a few years. Today, I still listen to some sound healing but I do have a passion for a mix between classical music and 70s ballads, I'm a big 'Smooth Radio' fan!

Having a background in horticulture and health, I naturally progressed into organic gardening and food production. I have my own garden in which I like to experiment with a relatively new technique called 'Forest Gardening'. Forest Gardening is basically a relatively new system of gardening using a well planned layout along with selected edible plants to mimic a young edible woodland. The idea behind this system is to not only provide food but also to create an eco-system which is environmentally and ecologically sound and attracts wildlife into the garden. As a Vegan, I don't eat meat or dairy, so I began to experiment into growing my own food and I like to try new and unusual fruits and vegetables varieties.
My diet is mainly raw. I was a 100% raw vegan for about 12 years before i began adding between 10-30% cooked foods into my diet. I found this necessary for my own body type and climate as well as adding a bit more variety and social flexibility into my life. I do enjoy a nice glass of Red Shiraz or White Pinot too! I aim to eat mainly all organic when available and I also like to juice wheatgrass and vegetables too. In the summer I like to forage for wild foods and add these into smoothies which are just yum!
My other past-times include High Intensity (HIT) weight training and aerobics which I do about 2-3 times per week. I've fairly recently, since 2012, taken up horse riding. Since riding, I've just come to absolutely adore those magnificent creatures. It feels like they have just walked straight out of a mystical fairytale land! They just fill me with awe every time I'm with them and the more I learn about them the more they fascinate me. I've recently taken up further study on horse anatomy and health and I'm enjoying the journey of learning and working with these beautiful animals.

Since beginning my radionic business in 2010, I have fairly recently been building and creating my own Tensor Rings and Generators as well as a variety of Radionic Instruments. I enjoy the creative aspect of designing and building my own equipment and this has now formed a part of my business.

I also do radionic Tarot Card readings and I Ching readings. My approach to The Tarot and The I Ching is not merely as a predictive tool to boggle and dazzle the mind but as a tool for self-growth and problem solving in the here and now. I do card readings every day on many different aspects and the cards are unique in that they can let you see into a problem in order for you to find a solution or new direction. The readings are an aspect of my work that enjoy immensely. The difference between my Tarot readings and the I Ching readings is that the latter is more profound and looks deeply into the causes of human ignorance and suffering. The tarot, on the other hand, focuses more on the ever day life problems, as well as providing joyful insights into everyday life. My approach to the tarot does not require the person to be present for a reading, just having a connection with the person is enough.    

My radionic work has been mainly in dealing with human health, working primarily on the physical, emotional and mental levels to restore balance. I began my radionic practice caring for my own small animals that seemed to develop their own health problems with age. There weren't many options available to them to deal with some of these issues, especially holistic options. I began my quest into finding a more holistic approach to many of these problems, part of this was my use of radionics. Over the years I gradually built up a good understanding of most of the health problems I came across with my animals and dealt with most of these using my own holistic approaches.
I'm still in favour of vets and i wouldn't be without them. Vets are an invaluable source of information concerning the diagnosis and health of your animal. The only problem I have is that I'm not a big fan of the veterinary drugs often used in the treatment of the animals. Most of these drugs can have toxic side effects and they are too often designed to primarily focus on eliminating symptoms rather than getting to the cause of a problem. A Vets time is valuable, looking for the cause of many health problems takes time. In many cases veterinary drugs are necessary to save an animals life, but for other non life threatening conditions I prefer to spend more time getting to understand a health problem and treat it at the root level. The latter does take time, its a journey that can be very rewarding, and as you gradually unfold a picture of a health problem layer upon layer and finally finding a solution and getting a result is the cherry on the cake! The more you learn more about your own animals health the more you open your eyes to an education in finding a more natural holistic approach to your animals well-being.

Prevention is better than the cure!   


Friday 26 April 2013

Chemical Toxicity Analysis

Chemical Toxicity Analysis


Our body's are exposed to a myriad of chemicals on a daily basis. 



They say that the most polluted environment is within the home. Well, considering that many of the items we buy contain chemicals and many of these chemicals can accumulate in the body reaching toxic levels, it's not too far from the truth that the home environment can be detrimental to our health. 



Depending on our exposure level to these chemicals, many of them on their own can seem harmless enough, but when some of these chemicals combine with other chemicals in our bodies, a chain reaction can be set off. This type of chemical chain reaction could cause anything from a mild to a serious health problem, which can be difficult to trace. 



Some chemicals, depending on the individual, can cause allergic reactions or sensitivity. Many of the chemicals on their own may also be affecting an individuals health in different ways such as poor brain function, lowered immunity, infertility and so on.

By knowing the chemical levels in your own body it can assist you to monitor your exposure levels and make changes. This can help you make more conscious choices about the type of products you use on your body or around the home. There are always simpler and safer alternatives to many of the chemicals we normally use and there are some good books available on the subject if you want to switch to healthier options. 



Analysis Service


By using radionic subtle energy technology, via a small hair sample, I am able to offer a chemical toxicity analysis. This service will check for the levels of many of the most common chemicals we are exposed to in our environment. This includes many cosmetic, household and other common chemicals normally found within the body. The analysis covers over 70 different common chemicals. Each chemical analysis is given as a percentage of the level in the body.



This service will require you to post to me a small hair sample to do the analysis. Full instructions for taking the hair sample and where to post to will be given upon receipt of payment.




The results of the chemical analysis will be sent to you by email upon completion. Please provide me with an email address when making payment. 


The service will normally be completed with 10 days from receipt of payment.




Tuesday 23 April 2013

Radionic Internal Organ & Systems Balancing

Radionic Internal Organ & Systems Balancing

Radionics is a system used to analyse and balance subtle energy fields. When there is any electrical cellular imbalance then discomfort or suffering are the result. This applies to all biological systems in human, animal and plants.

Radionics uses subtle energy technology to tune in and assist in correcting any imbalances and restoring electrical cellular balance.

This service that I offer the 'Internal Organ & Systems Balancing' is to assist in restoring balance to any chosen internal organ or bodily system that is out of balance.

Any internal organ such as the prostate, lungs, kidneys etc can be checked for their function level or state of equilibrium. If the organ is out of balance then this service offers to assist in bringing the organ back to its optimal functioning level.

The same principles applies to any internal bodily system that maybe out of balance such as the:

Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Circulatory, Glandular, Lymphatic, Digestive, Eliminative, Respiratory, Reproductive, Sensory systems etc.

Any internal system that is out of balance can be checked and assisted with restoring to optimal functional levels.


The cost for an individual organ or system check is £37.00, this includes any rebalancing required to restore optimal function. 

 The cost for an all internal bodily systems check is £78.00, (this does not include individual organ checks, only bodily systems). This service will include all the systems mentioned above and includes any rebalancing required to restore optimal function.

As part of this service the client will need to provide a small hair sample, sent by post, taken from the person requiring the analysis, (full instructions on taking a hair sample will be provided upon receipt of payment). The client will also be required to provide any information regarding symptoms or any diagnosis which is to assist in the analysis and rebalancing treatment.  


Thursday 18 April 2013

Ley Lines & Geopathic Stress

Ley Lines & Geopathic Stress

Ley Lines and their effects, Geopathic Stress, is an often little understood and overlooked cause of many health problems. Many people in the 'know' have been using ley-lines to their advantage from the Royal Family, Energy companies to churches, all having built their properties on major ley-lines. The ley-lines I'm referring to above are positive ley-lines and they help enhance the energy of their environment and any property placed upon or near them. If a property is built on such a line then its occupants receive the health benefits of this extra energy boost.  

I'm going to say a little about the other energy ley-lines, the so called 'negative ley-lines'. These negative ley-lines have, as the name suggests, a negative effect on the environment above or near them. Occupants of a property may have several ley-lines passing through their property, some positive and some negative. The negative ley-lines or rather Geopathic Stress lines can take the form of energy lines, unground water/streams and so on and these can create a negative energetic effect on anything on or near it. 

Below is a typical layout of a home survey. The RED lines are the negative lines on the property and the BLUE lines are the positive lines passing through the property

As you can see from the image above that there are three negative lines crossing over bedroom one and the kitchen. This triangle is a strong area of negative energy and could be a potential health problem for anyone spending time on the lines. If a bed was placed on the left of the red triangle in bedroom one I would expect the occupant to have health or sleeping problems due to the extra strong negative energy influence.

My Personal Experience 

I did a survey for a client who had a similar negative ley-line triangle shown above placed exactly in the centre of one of the bedrooms of the property. Half of the bed was sitting on top of the triangle. I asked the owner if there were any unusual health or behavioural problems noticed from the occupant of this room. There was an affirmative YES! Normally, I would ask the owner to fill a small survey of any health and behavioural points that come to mind before the correction work is done. 

Following the correction, within 24 hours, something out of the blue happened, which is normal for this type of line set up. The occupant of the room had a runny nose which wouldn't stop without stuffing tissues up the nose to make it stop! It lasted for 24 hours and seemed like a 24 hour cold. However, following this, within another 12 hours, 36 hours after correction, the occupant of the bedroom told her mother, for the first time ever, which surprised her mother a lot, that she 'loved her' and she apologised for her behaviour towards her.

There are many similar incidents that can occur, some more or less dramatic than others, depending on the lines and how they pass through a property.

The Home Ley-Line Geopathic Survey Service

The home or workplace Ley-Line survey service offers to have your home or workplace checked for any negative energies that maybe affecting you or other individuals within the household or workplace. These negative energies can have, and have been scientifically tested to have, negative health effects on plant, animals and people that are exposed to them. These negative energies can also affect other areas of life such as money, career and relationships.

The home energy survey service covers a wide range of energy fields within the survey such as:

negative ley-lines, sources of geopathic stress such as energy sinks, underground water streams, sewage pipes, power cables, domestic electricity, domestic water, external scalar energy, internal & external microwaves, underground gases, neighbourhood energy, entities as well as Car EMFs.

All of the above checks are included in our home survey service and all the work is done remotely, in other words no home or workplace visits are required.

To have a home survey done we only require from you an A4 sheet plan of the layout of the ground floor of your home or workplace building, including any garden space that you own as part of the property. The layout should resemble the above plan I have shown.

The layout of the plan would be done by you on an A4 sheet of paper. The plan does not need to be perfect and only requires a basic set up of rooms, showing doorways, stairs and the names of each room marked such as; lounge, bedroom 1, bedroom 2 etc office 1 and so on. 
The outdoor areas would show any shed/garage positions, boundary hedge/fences, pathways and any other significant structures you care to add such as a phone mast, electrical sub-station etc on the property. 

If you live in a home that has one or more upper floors, only the ground floor plan is required. You will also need to know what direction is North on the property. This can be done by a simple compass or even by noting where the direction of the sun is at 12 noon/ midday and marking NORTH on the opposite side of the property to the suns position at this time.

As part of the survey you will be given a questionnaire asking you are series of health related questions. It is not necessary for you to fill this in and return it, but it does help me assess any causes that maybe underlying and any changes connected to any of the work that I do for you. You can keep the questionnaire for your own reference or return a copy of it to us along with your A4 property plan and we will return it with any comments we find as part of the survey.

What to Expect

Once I have your property plan and/or questionnaire I will dowse your property plan for all of the above mentioned areas and I will draw and map any lines and other items found onto your own sketch. Upon completion of the survey you will be sent a copy of our survey sheet check list with any comments/recommendations that we find and any solutions to help resolve any problem areas.

As part of the survey further questions may arise that need to be asked in case there are any causes that need clarification, an email address will be needed for this purpose.

Any problems associated with subtle energy can be resolved remotely. Any internal or external microwaves causes can be resolved with additional personal or household protection devices where applicable. Most of these protection devices are relatively inexpensive. We sell a few different, scientifically protection devices if needed.

I hope you find the above information useful and I would love to welcome you as a customer and assist you in living a more fulfilling and balanced lifestyle.

Survey Pricing

The price for a full home survey is £85.00 and this includes up to 2 cars within the household. Please don’t forget to mention the make and model of the cars to be tested. Some manufacturers and models of cars have more or less EMFs than others, the solutions to treat are the same.  

For larger industrial properties such as workplace buildings or farms, the cost per survey is £120.00. Normally, up to four A4 sheets are needed for larger properties to get an overall view. Please contact me for further information for workplace plans. 


This service requires you to draw your own ground floor/property layout and send it to us by email or post. Full instructions for the service and any questions will be given upon receipt of payment.


Ley-Line Geopathic Stress Surveys

Radioactive Fall-Out and Radioactive Isotopes Body Analysis

Radioactive Fall-Out and Radioactive Isotopes

The recent nuclear catastrophe in Japan has been a warning to humanity of the risks of using nuclear power. The global effect of this most recent incident will affect many of the earth's population for years to come. These radioactive elements are circulating around the globe as I write and as well as being inhaled they are falling onto crops lands and water supplies. 

However, there are measures that we can take to reduce and protect ourselves from this hazard. The most important step is top up our mineral levels. One of the most important minerals is Iodine. Iodine, taken in the form of Lugols Iodine, is a must. It is better to take Iodine in its pure form rather than absorb radioactive iodine from the atmosphere! 

Most people have very low iodine levels due to poor diets or by displacement of Iodine from the use of other chemicals such fluoride, barium etc. A good book on the subject of Iodine is 'Iodine and why you need it' by David Brownstein. 

If the air is polluted with radioactive Iodine and other radioactive elements then its logical that the body will top up its reserves when it can, especially if mineral reserves are already low. There is a good radioactive protocol written by Dr Gabriel Cousens who is one of the worlds leading natural health authorities. The link below will take you to his site where you can find links to the protocol.

My Own Personal Experience  

I had a personal experience with a radioactive isotope cobalt. I somehow managed to pick this mineral up near my home at a young age, about the age of 7-8 years. The isotope cobalt came from a local landfill site. The local company had been depositing 'ash' from its furnaces into the site. The site was open to all to just wander in and walk around. 
The cobalt had been in my body at low levels, about 2.7% but it was destructive in its effect on my health even at these levels. Fortunately, I discovered this and took swift action to displace the isotope cobalt and get it out of my system. It took a few weeks to get rid of it completely and I am glad to say I'm now clear of this menace which had been slowly working in the background unnoticed. 

Radioactive elements, if left untreated, can slowly erode and cause damage to your health not unlike a cancer or battery acid. It can do this slowly, almost unknown for many years until a symptom appears in later life, just like a cancer.

I offer a radionic analysis service to check the levels of 14 Radioactive Fall-Out and 20 Radioactive Isotopes elements. Included with the service is advice on the removal of any toxic radioactive elements. 

If you have been in or near Japan at the time of the accident then it would be advisable to be checked for any radioactive toxicity. However, anyone could be contaminated as the fallout is carried around in the atmosphere worldwide. In fact, even many household smoke alarms contain radioactive elements! Opt for a photo-electric smoke alarm.

This service does not require any postage. A small hair sample is needed for the analysis. Full details of how to take the hair sample and where to send it will be given upon receipt of payment. The analysis normally takes between 1-2 days.