Sunday 31 March 2013

Quantum Energy Healing Products

Quantum Energy Healing Products

The Quantum Harmonic Field Generator, Quantum Bracelets & Rings

The 'Quantum Harmonic Field Generators' (QHFGs),'Quantum Bracelets' & Rings are built using precision techniques to bring all energy systems into harmony. This includes all plant, animal, human life and the environment. The construction and design of the products are tested using a combination of science and subtle energy technology. 


The Quantum Bracelets

The Quantum Bracelets are based on the same principles as the Quantum Generators and Quantum rings. 
The Quantum Bracelet is designed to assist in raising the vitality levels, create radiant/crystalline structures within all the fluids of the body and thus reducing the breeding grounding for bacteria, viruses  and fungal infections. Bacteria, Viruses and Fungus thrive and live in low energy environments. Wearing a Quantum Bracelet will assist in raising all the fluids in your body to a very high level of radiance.  


Quantum Bracelet





is a picture of the measurement of the Vital Energy Level using a subtle energy meter BEFORE wearing a Quantum Bracelet





is a picture of the Vital Energy Level measurement AFTER wearing a Quantum Bracelet for 10 minutes. The longer the bracelet is worn the levels gradually increase upwards until they stabilise. 




I have personally tested many energy pendants bought on the internet and most of them have only managed to show a 1-2 point increase in vitality levels on the above meter. I have also checked the same pendants radionically and the results are similar.




The Quantum Bracelets come in three different sizes Small, Medium and Large. The size of each bracelet is based on the bracelets length, from end to end when straightened out.


The  bracelet lengths are as follows;


Small is 19.3cm in length

Medium is 20.4cm in length

Large is 21.3cm in length


As each bracelet is individually handmade, all sizes are approximated. 


NOTE on Correct Fitting


To find your correct size, use a flexible tape measure and wrap it around your wrist to get the diameter in CMs. Allow for some extra room for freedom of movement, depending on how you like your fit. 


When fitted correctly, the bracelet should feel loose and the bracelet balls should be able to touch each other or have a MAXIMUM of a 1cm gap between the balls. The bracelet balls should NOT cross over each other, this would suggest the bracelet is too big. Once you have your wrist measurements, choose the most suitable size from the list above. If you have any questions about fitting please let me know once you have made payment.


When making payment, please include a note stating which size of bracelet you require.  The bracelets prices are inclusive of postage & packaging, please choose the correct country option depending on your location UK/EU.


 Bracelets will normally be posted within 10 days upon receipt of payment.  




The Quantum Harmonic Field Generator

The Quantum Harmonic Field Generator (QHFG) has the unique ability to attract, transform and then heal the energetic environment in which it is placed. 
Any disharmonious energy in the environment is attracted into the generator, transformed, and then returned to the environment energetically harmonised. 

What it can Do

Basically, the Quantum Harmonic Field Generator serves to assist all plant, animal and human life to thrive in a more harmonious environment. This is done by transforming energy fields that are out of harmony. 

With the use of selective sound frequencies, the QHFGs potential is increased to work on ridding the local environment of pollution, emfs, scalar, chemtrails, negative energy from thoughts, emotions and psychic entities, healing relationships inside and outside the home, improve business by increasing mental clarity and harmony, improving soil, plant life and water, strengthening immunity, increase physical energy, clear auric fields in bio-systems, healing geopathic stress and leylines on the land and much more. 
More information about sound frequencies are provided with each generator.

Effects on Human Energy patterns

The quantum generators effect on humans is that it can pull out dark or negative energy patterns, such as unresolved emotions. This allows these stored emotions to come up in order for them to be transformed into a more harmonious state, thus accelerating transformation.

Unusual behavioural patterns are not uncommon after a generator is fitted. The experiences will vary from one person to the next and they can be mild to dramatic. However, the Quantum Generator can be closed down temporarily if the occupants of the home find its effects too strong. The opening and closing of the generator allows a more gradual adjustment to the new energies until such time it can be left open continuously
A closing tool is provided with each generator.

Harmonic Generator sizes

The Quantum Harmonic Field Generators comes in two sizes, the 6” generator and the 12” generator. Both generators perform the same function. The 6” generator has a diameter field effect of approximately 400 Meters or 25 miles+ when used with sound frequencies. The diameter field effect of the 12” generator is approximately 3.5 Miles or 65+ miles when used with sound frequencies.

(available soon)

Quantum Energy Balancing Rings

The Quantum Rings are based around the same technology principles as the Quantum Generators and Bracelets. 


The Quantum Energy Balancing Ring is a large ring and is designed to be used as a placement ring. It can be used on the head (good for headaches), over the face, around the neck, under a plate of food, for clearing and energising crystals, under a jug of water, on a chair to sit on, on the seat of a car, or almost anywhere were balancing is needed. They have also been reported to help anyone with Alzheimer’s, MS and Parkinson’s.


 I have found the ring to have the amazing effect of quieting down mental activity into a more peaceful restful state within just a few minutes of wearing it. This is ideal prior to going to sleep or for meditation purposes. 

It doesn't put you to sleep but it does seem to create a state of presence or peace.


Each Quantum Ring (QR) is precision and specifically wound to emanate a positive energy field from within its diameter field.


The rings, when properly constructed, have a positive energetic field effect of approximately 10 to 15 miles on each side of the ring. The rings have the ability to convert dark energy into light energy within its diameter field. Negative energy cannot thrive within the ring and viruses etc struggle to survive within the rings field.


For example; a glass of water placed inside a ring within a few minutes is transformed into highly energised and crystalline structured water ready to drink. I have done a variety of radionic tests on the water and the untreated water had a vitality level of 16% and the water treated with the Quantum Ring was 100%. The Quantum Rings also remove any negative memories in the water.


A series of these rings when joined together create the ‘Quantum Harmonic Field Generator’ mentioned above. 


The Quantum Rings come in several different sizes depending on your needs.


Car Seats


I recently conducted several EMF tests in the front seats of several cars. I found the EMF readings to be alarmingly high, so much so that they showed to be almost right off the meter scale. Oddly enough, the passenger seats showed the highest readings. Being exposed to these sort of emissions on long car journeys on a daily basis cannot be beneficial to your health. 


I use two of the large Quantum Rings on both front seats and I have noticed driving seems to feel more enjoyable. I was not one for long car journeys, but based on my research I can see why. I now find long journeys quite enjoyable and less stressful since using the Quantum Rings to sit on.


The Quantum Energy Balancing Rings are available in four different sizes. Each rings measurement is for the Internal Diameter (ID), and all measurements are approximated.


 Small - 4" I

suitable for placing around a glass of water or small bottle. 


Medium - 6.5" ID

suitable for a water jug, as a placement ring for the base of plant pots or over chakras, small animal beds etc.


Large - 8.5" ID

suitable for use as a neck or face ring etc.


Ex-Large - 13.5" ID 

suitable for seat rings, under the pillow or under pet beds etc.


All prices are inclusive of postage & packaging. Please choose the correct postage option below depending on your country UK/EU. 


Sorry, there are currently no shipping options for outside of the EU at the moment.


All Quantum Rings will be shipped within 7 days from receipt of payment.

United Kingdom

European Union